Directional drilling.
We specialize in directional drilling – a minimal-impact, trenchless method that’s the most effective means of installing or replacing underground utilities while achieving minimal site disruption.
Your directional drilling experts.
Our highly experienced crew provides you with the most effective means of installing or replacing underground utilities such as conduits and piping with minimal site disruption – leading to reduced restoration costs.

Digging deeper into directional drilling.
Directional drilling is a steerable trenchless method of installing underground pipe conduits and cable along a predetermined bore path. This allows infrastructure to be installed in previously inaccessible areas by traditional construction equipment and eliminates the need for costly trenching. The directional drilling process enables us to install infrastructure under:
- Roadways
- Drainage culverts
- Parking lots
- Driveways
We have the skills and equipment to get the job done right.
- 400 foot bores and pullback diameters up to six inches
- Multiple drills to install HDPE pipe up to 12 inches
- Trenchless installation
Corfu, New York
Alabama, New York
Let’s dig deeper.
Alleghany Services
7342 Alleghany Road | Basom, NY 14013